What swim safety measures are in place? Resolved

  • We are a very safety conscious event with a 100% safety record spanning over 18 years.
  • Our water rescue team are medics, rowers and canoeists who are based in the area all year round.
  • They are familiar with the behaviour and currents of the river.
  • Every person in the water will have dedicated marshal teams watching them.
  • If you get into trouble, roll into the backstroke position and signal for help using your arm and one of our crew will come to your aid immediately.
  • Should you require further assistance, our ambulance crew will be on standby at the riverside.
  • Couple of additional facts about swimming at TriAthy:
    • The riverbank is never more than 20m away (the river is 40m wide at it's maximum point)
    • The river depth is generally chest high (for a person who is 170cm) during the Summer Months.
    • The river current is normally slow and steady during the Summer Months.
    • Multiple canoeists and river-side marshals will be keeping close watch on our swimming triathletes.

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Posted  1 year  ago
#24 1592 views Edited  4 months  ago

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