
Please select the FAQ below for more detailed information

What can I leave in transition?

Your bike, helmet and bike shoes. All excess baggage must be placed in the secure Baggage Drop area. Bags left…
  • Your bike, helmet and bike shoes.
  • All excess baggage must be placed in the secure Baggage Drop area. Bags left in the Baggage Drop should be labelled using the tri-sticker set provided at Race Check-in. 
  • Please note that whilst the transition space is fully secure, all belongings are left at owner’s risk.
  • Please note that only you and your kit will be allowed into transition.
  • We highly recommend that swimsuits (which come off after the swim leg) are marked indelibly with the owners name on the inside of the suit (these items are often exchanged or left behind by accident after Race Day).
0 answers 1622 views Posted  1 year  ago
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How do I know when to rack my bike in the transition zone?

You will be allowed access to the transition area for racking before your race starts - the precise times will…
  • You will be allowed access to the transition area for racking before your race starts - the precise times will be outlined in the Athlete Guide which will be distributed to all participants in the run-up to race day.
  • You must pass through a bike check station on your way into your transition area.
  • Your bike must be racked in advance of the mandatory race briefing which takes place at the swim start area.
  • All information relating to start times will be emailed to participants before the race and full details will be in the Athlete Guide which will also be available to download from our homepage in advance of race day.
0 answers 1674 views Posted  1 year  ago
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What is 'transition'?

Transition is an area where all entrants must rack their bike and leave their essentials for the swim and run…
  • Transition is an area where all entrants must rack their bike and leave their essentials for the swim and run legs.
  • It is the area where you will 'transition' from being a swimmer to a cyclist (known as T1) and then a further 'transition' from a cyclist to a runner (known as T2).
  • The transition area is a secure area, limited to entrants only.
  • At TriAthy there are separate transition zones for each of the TriAthy races as shown in the transition plan below (please note this is always subject to change and is shown here for guidance purposes only. The finalised transition map will issue in the Athlete Guide which issues before Raceday.)

  • Competitors should be fully aware of the movement flows in and out of transition during race day. These will be set out in detail within the race course maps.
0 answers 2006 views Posted  1 year  ago
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