Where do I wear my race number while on the bike? Resolved

  • You will be provided with a TriAthy 2025 race bib and TriAthy race belt at our registration venue similar to the one below.

  • During the swim your bib will not be visible as it will be under your wetsuit.
  • During T1 (Swim to Bike) Transition it will emerge and must be clearly visible to marshals for the rest of your race.
  • During the bike section your number must be displayed on your back.
  • During T2 (Bike to Run) you need to swivel your number to the front.
  • During the run section, it must be displayed on your front.
  • By using the race belt provided by TriAthy we provide you can easily swivel the race bib from back to front while transitioning.

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Posted  1 year  ago
#29 1340 views Edited  5 days  ago

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